Level 1 - Download a Liquid compliant wallet

We identified 2 wallets compatible with Liquid: GreenWallet by GreenAddress (for smartphones) and ElementsCore by Blockstream (for linux OS).

Level 2 - Request your first tokens

2.1 - Ask us in the community

- Join the CryptoFr Slack
- Ask to join the "Stablecoin" channel
- Request some tokens by providing your public address

2.2 - Use our faucet

To be developped

Level 3 - Masterize a transaction

3.1 - Your first transaction

3.2 - Control in a blockchain web explorer

- Check your transaction in the Liquid web explorer
- If you received EURBT, take a look at the others transactions of the EURBT Asset on Liquid
- ElseIf you received EURT, take a look at the others transactions of the EURT Asset on Liquid

Level 4 - Join the community

- Join the CryptoFr Slack
- Ask to join the "Stablecoin" channel

Level 5 - Code with us

- Take a look at the PandaFace's Github
- Send us your merge requests and issues.